Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Mini Strawberry Garden

For those of you who don't know me... and probably most of you who do... would think that I'm a super bubbly happy person. I am 90% of the time... but then theres the other 10%. I have struggled for several years now with how to be content with what and where I am in life. I am a wife and a Mom, two things that I am so very lucky and blessed to be. However, for a few years now all I've been able to see is that I live in a small, imperfect house in a small town. I've complained and tried to change that more times than I'm willing to admit. I'm not sure what changed but one day I woke up and didn't feel that way anymore. I have chose to embrace this tiny home that we call ours, and this beautiful life that God has given me. I have two healthy, wonderful kids and a husband that loves me unconditionally, despite my many faults. I am so very blessed. Today, I am thankful that my eyes have been open to that. I am ready to see what I already have as amazing not as lacking. I plan on living each day showing my kids that its not about how cute your house is, or what your surroundings might be, that you simply need to be thankful for exactly what you've been given. I'm sure I'll have days that I will once again feel that struggle, but I am going to fight through, look at their sweet faces and move forward. 

It has been so long since I've even gotten my "real" camera out and taken pictures... I've been an straight instagramer for most of 2013. I hope you enjoyed taking a peek at our lovely and beautiful life.


  1. This post made me happy. Loved the pics, love your photography style (!), love how you so perfectly said what's on your heart.

  2. Love!! Beautiful family..precious memories.
